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Podróże - Traveling

Uzupełnij luki.

  • 1. (przesiadać się) Take this bus, then at Rosemary Square.

  • 2. (rozkład jazdy) Let's have a look at the .

  • 3. (odprawa pasażerska) I'm afraid you're too late to .

  • 4. (opóźnienie) My flight has been by two hours.

  • 5. (wycieczka krajoznawcza) We went on a tour and saw a lot of historic monuments.

  • 6. (pensjonaty) At the seaside we usually stay in , as we find hotels too big and expensive.

  • 7. (największa atrakcja) The of our trip was the castle and its beautiful surroundings.

  • 8. (pieszo) We had plenty of time so we decided to go to the centre .

  • 9. (wsiadać) We got confused, and we the wrong bus.

  • 10. (wyjeżdżać za granicę) Do you often ?

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